Rise Up Program

RISE UP is an enriching 4-week summer program open to eligible* rising 9th graders. Participation will prepare you for a successful start to your high school career. Under the guidance of high school teachers, you will:

  • strengthen your essential skills in Math, Literacy and/or Science;
  • build your knowledge and study skills through fun activities;
  • make social connections with your peers and with high school teachers;
  • participate in a fitness class to build strength and stamina;
  • imagine your future with curriculum specifically designed to prepare you for high school and beyond!
When is Rise Up?
Monday – Friday | July 1 – 30
8AM - 12:30PM
(Off July 4 - 5)

Who to Contact?Email Rob Kelley
Email Laura Chiricosta
Why Rise Up?As a 9th grader, you are about to begin the most pivotal years of your academic career.

Participation in RISE UP will help you develop the confidence and skills to reach your highest potential.

Take advantage of this great opportunity! Look for a visit to your 8th grade class.

*Funding for Rise Up comes from MA DOE which sets eligibility requirements.

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